Approximately 35% – 38% of businesses rely on the ‘speed to market’ factor.
Depending on your business, the percentage may vary from time to time. However, almost everyone is relying on computers, the internet, and some sort of marketing agenda to push the envelope.
Top it off with the Global Pandemic issue (still going on by the way), companies have had to switch to remote work.
There were unexpected setbacks, huge layoffs, and pay cuts, but we did walk away with a couple of valuable lessons.
And with those lessons, the overall trend for digital marketing spiked up like a phenomenon. Right now, a person with project management and a digital marketing mindset can easily understand that the conventional strategies that used to work in the digital marketing realm before COVID-19 have changed.
This post is not going to slog you through conventional digital marketing techniques. Given that a lot of variances have already occurred in the industry, we have come up with a mix of traditional and latest methods that can help you to sustain your business beyond global boundaries.
Read on…
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#1. Informed buyers are kind of a big deal!

It’s not just about any other informed buyer on the block, I am talking about “YOUR” informed buyers; people who have already gone through the hoops and know everything about your brand or product.
These buyers have certain expectations from your product, services, or business. Help them understand what they should buy next.
According to Andre’ Morys from CXL Institute, it’s a lot easier to convert customers who have been in business with you in the past. You just need to create a resonance effect to push them through engaging content and a proper marketing campaign. The rest will happen on its own.
Such tactics and strategies are especially useful when there’s an overall downward slope in the industry. See what happened during the pandemic? It was relatively difficult for businesses to pull in new customers. A lot of things had to be shuffled just for many companies to keep expenses and “profits” aligned to the breakeven point.
As a marketer, keep existing customers on top of the list and make an extra effort to help them bring in referrals. In a way, it becomes a sort of relationship where businesses tell customers about what they want!
#2. Team efficiency vs team productivity vs team goals
This one’s more of a triangular relationship where marketers have to pinpoint their team’s sweet spot.
Let’s put it this way: Efficiency is the measure of your team’s overall performance level, whereas it helps to predict the minimum amount of time they take to generate maximum output.
Businesses are obsessed with numbers at the end of the day. Therefore, it is expected from members of any digital marketing team to not only meet their goals but also over-deliver on them… (*if it’s possible).
As a result, there’s a positive impact on the return on investment.
Likewise, productivity measures your team’s production capability. It is also a ratio of output to input.
But here’s the kicker! Since we are all human beings intertwined with emotions, we don’t always feel at our best every single day. Sometimes, we feel down, and we are not as productive as we are on regular days.

Such predicaments impact efficiency and production at the same time. If you are a manager or someone in a position to decrease workload, that’s great. However, if you don’t have that authority, talk to your line manager.
At times, digital marketing professionals are swamped with tough goals and multiple customers. It gets hard for them to tango when a lot is going on at the same time.
This strategy applies to any type of work environment, for as long as there are teamwork-oriented processes, back n’ forth collaboration, and active campaigns going on.
Since efficiency and productivity are interrelated, they eventually impact a business’s ability to generate profit.
#3. It’s okay to use a digital marketing tool
Digital marketing tools are a dime a dozen these days. Scour the market; do comparison analysis and see which tool piques your interest.
As of right now, these tools are the best fit for any type of campaign:
Understand that these tools are not the only ones available right now. However, they are commonly used in different organizations for a variety of reasons.
If we talk about nTask, it’s not only a digital marketing tool, but it also serves as a project management application. Think about managing multiple teams sprawled over different projects and program managers, feasibility reports, and stuff like that.
Likewise, Text Optimizer is a remarkable tool for digital marketers who have a knack for engaging straplines, product descriptions, and one-liners that blow the competition out of the water. However, this program doesn’t offer the full experience. You will have to rely on another digital marketing app to supplement the results.
Besides, automated solutions are great for working smart. You can get by with the maximum amount of work without ever having to count on hefty paper trails etc.
While you are busy zeroing in on a reliable digital marketing software application, don’t forget to check the program’s features list. Does it sound compelling enough to match your requirements? Are they offering a trial version for evaluation purposes?
If so, then that sounds great.
#4. Communication is the backbone of your digital marketing process

Establish and communicate your team goals. They are crucial for ensuring productivity at different levels.
While it is important to share a long-term plan, it’s the short-term goals that matter a lot.
Where does communication fit in? Good question.
After you have outlined your short-term goals, have a weekly, or bi-weekly session where your team members can pitch in on their progress. It keeps everyone in the loop, and on the same page.
A lot of times, team members are clueless about the overall goals, especially at higher-up levels. In such situations, since front line employees are not filled in on the bigger picture, they often fail to deliver a complete product.
The same theory applies to digital marketing. Campaigns only get tough when communication is at an all-time low. What makes matters worse is the grilling phase and the accountability factor that follows up after a setback.
#5. Hire the right people for frequent growth
Hiring often happens inside a proverbial box. Go beyond the boundaries.
For instance, a lot of people put their bucks on fresh recruits with little to no prior experience. It is a gamble, but if someone has been evaluated through a proper process, then there’s a high chance that the certain individual will continue to reap benefits for the business.
Interestingly, digital marketing tactics have changed a lot. The internet and its slew of algorithms no longer respond to conventional marketing strategies. You need the right person with current knowledge and skillset to make the hiring process worthwhile.
For instance, if the digital marketing team is looking to hire an SEO expert, make sure that the candidate knows about how the latest SEO link building techniques work.
To that end, outreach strategy matters a lot. You have to get a person with a mindset, or with ample experience, to blend in perfectly with engaging email content and value-driven results that can convince potential leads to respond to outreach campaigns.
#6. Performance reviews, incentives, and much more
Performance reviews are well known in every organization.
As part of a digital marketing team, amplify the review process with the help of tools. Data-driven results are amazing when it comes to tracking performance, sales numbers, and the necessary changes that are needed to take everything to the next level.
Scrum meetings are not a bad idea. Many digital marketing agencies hold daily meetings for 10-15 minutes to get insight into team members’ objectives on that given day, and what they did in the previous day.
Such activities help to spot productivity gaps on time. This way, you can make changes for the team whenever it’s needed.
Above all, don’t forget to pat someone on the back for his or her achievement. Some individuals are great with engaging customers through social media platforms, while others show their true colors through email outreach. The latter category can rake in sales like a shovel on a snowy day.
So, keep an eye out and send a shoutout to anyone who deserves it. People love recognition and nothing makes them happier to know that their efforts are being appreciated.
#7. Campaign data should be shareable

At the end of each marketing campaign, there is a whole range of numbers going on.
When was the last time you shared campaign data with your marketing team? These teams cannot produce results if data isn’t available to them.
For instance, social media managers may know the stats and numbers for ongoing campaigns, but they also need to take a look at the campaign data from over a year ago, and the year before that, and the year before that!
PPC campaigns, social media marketing goals, and influencer marketing can rake in phenomenal results if everyone is in the loop.
Summing it all up
If a digital marketing team is not performing well, you can be damn sure that profitability will eventually suffer.
Go ahead and implement these techniques and see where it takes your team.
Above all, don’t hesitate in improvising a little. Besides, if you are a team manager, you know what works and what doesn’t.
If you are a digital marketer or have been affiliated with a digital marketing team, we’d love to hear your thoughts on this piece. You are more than welcome to share useful insights concerning your personal blend of digital marketing tips to increase productivity any time you want!
Guest author: Fred Wilson is an avid reader, coffee connoisseur, and an Agile Project Manager at nTask. Dzone lists him as an MVB (*Most Valued Blogger) level author on all things Digital Marketing and Agile Software Development.
The post 7 Tips to Boost Your Digital Marketing Team’s Productivity in 2021 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.
source https://www.jeffbullas.com/digital-marketing-team-productivity/
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