In 2008 I joined a movement.
It started with an upload of some data and snippets of my life to Facebook to get started and then logging in. And this was quickly followed by a Twitter profile. Then the posting of my first tweet.
The digital banter had started and I was hooked.
So I kept diving in.
We all kept tweeting and playing and watching the global and often witty screen driven repartee. Then the iPhone made its mark.
Gave us our portable publishing machines. The text messages became photo sharing and then we recorded our lives in full HD video.
And then the addiction went to a whole new level.
For years it was a fun and frivolous Wild West. Few filters and no algorithms of consequence. It was an innocent game of considered sharing and playful innocence.
But then things changed.
In the beginning it felt like an equal exchange. We were working together.
Our information is now used to make money. Without our permission.
The bad actors used it to separate our humanity for their own greed and means.
Lies override truth.
Sharing became narcissism.
Open platforms allowed cyber bullying.
Then they brought in the machines. Started charging us to reach our followers.
They have scaled the disease of more. Corporate and global greed disguised as innovation and caring. At a commercial level, the robots are now making it difficult to even place an innocent Ad as AI rejects or blocks the very reasonable submission.
But if you have millions of dollars in your back pocket and disinformation to spread then the door is wide open.
We now need to reconsider that relationship. Because it is not working for the good.
Just for the social media mafia brotherhood.
It is time to change the game.
Or we may slowly go insane.
A Social Media Love Affair
Social media
We fell in love with you
There was a promise of new
Embracing a changing world view
An openness and an honesty of shared experiences
Loaded onto the smart platform
A future
Human nurture
Where we were free to reveal our lives to a waiting world
Not filtered by the moguls
Bribed by the gatekeepers
Paying the advertising ghouls
Begging the writers
The PR machines
Until the gate’s locks were changed
Driven by the unbidden need
To make more money controlled by the technology machine
That has no morals
Except to maximize dollars
How much do you need
When is it enough
We used you
In innocent bliss
Created pithy tweets
Posted family photos
Shared our travels
But there was an agenda
Put into the blender
The seed
Of primal need
It was something we missed
Hidden in the ether
Of power
Of money making
Power baking
We were innocent fools
Now you are using us
That was not what we signed up for
You made us the product
Stole our information
Mined our data
Dived into our personal lives
Pretending it was free
But there was always a cost
You sold
Our inclinations
Our intimations
To the highest bidder
To harass us
Bombard us
With disinformation
Fake news
We thought you were the muse
At our side
To get our voices and art out
The truth
Absolute power corrupts
You aren’t a small god
Posing as a demigod
But a monster in the mist
Twisted and amiss
It was
Disguised as free speech
With abdicated responsibility
Don’t look here
Nothing to see
Hiding behind the skirts of exciting and new
We are tempted into the web
The robotic rabbit holes
That don’t make me feel whole
But make me less
As the highlight reels of others
Makes me feel a mess
Not good enough
Not quite right
Not a success
In the name of what?
Unbridled capitalism
Raw greed
A money making machine
Wrapped in a package of caring ambiguity
Hoping we would continue to play your game
It’s complicity
Why do you push back
Against considered control
Because you call it innovation
Sorry that’s not enough
We are heading towards abomination
A social experiment that threatens
Our village
Our community
Our democracies
Our self worth
So where to now?
It’s gone to a whole new how
You’ve built the robots
The algorithms
To scale your rape and pillage
The global village
Wrapped in caring
Sharing our secrets
It’s becoming tough
And I’ve had enough
I’ve turned off all my alerts
Silenced the annoying interruptions
Of the social media disruptions
That are no longer invited
Your commercial needy love is now unrequited.
For a decade
I was amused
Now I am just feeling abused.
The post Is It Time To Forget Social Media? appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.
source https://www.jeffbullas.com/is-it-time-to-forget-social-media/
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